2025 4th International Conference on Geographic Information and Remote Sensing Technology (GIRST 2025)

GIRST 2023


2023 2nd International Conference on Geographic Information and Remote Sensing Technology (GIRST 2023)

第二届地理信息与遥感技术国际学术会议(GIRST 2023)



2023 2nd International Conference on Geographic Information and Remote Sensing Technology (GIRST 2023) has been held July 21-23, 2023 in Qingdao, Shandong, China. GIRST 2023 includes 5 keynote speakers, 9 oral speakers to share academic reports. Thanks to the support of experts and scholars!

第二届地理信息与遥感技术国际学术会议(GIRST 2023)已于2023年7月21-23日在山东青岛召开。会议包括5位主讲嘉宾及9位口头报告学者的学术分享,感谢参与及听取报告的各位学者!



Keynote Speeches(主讲报告)


Prof. Fabio Tosti, University of West London(Fabio Tosti教授,英国西伦敦大学)

Title: Digital Scanning and Immersive Technologies for Non-destructive and Remote Sensing Sustainability Monitoring of Civil and Green Infrastructure(民用及绿色基础设施遥感可持续性无损检测的数字扫描和沉浸式技术)


Prof. Xingong Tang, Yangtze University(唐新功教授,长江大学)

Title: The Effective Elastic Thickness of the Lithosphere in North China and its Geodynamic Implications(华北地区岩石圈有效弹性厚度及其地球动力学意义)


Prof. Muhammad Bilal, Henan Polytechnic University(Muhammad Bilal教授,河南理工大学)

Title: SEMARA: Integration of SREM and SARA Algorithms for Aerosol Optical Depth Retrievals from Multi-Resolution Remote Sensing Sensors (SEMARA:基于多分辨率遥感传感器反演气溶胶光学厚度的SREM和SARA算法集成)


Prof. Huan Yu, Chengdu University of Technology(于欢教授,成都理工大学)

Title: Landscape Ecology Development Supported by Geospatial Technologies(地理空间技术支持下的景观生态学发展)


Dr. Yuanchao Su, Xi'an University of Science and Technology(苏远超博士,西安科技大学)

Title: Coupled Dense Convolutional Neural Networks for Unsupervised Hyperspectral Image Super-Resolution(基于耦合密集卷积网络的无监督高光谱遥感图像超分辨率重建方法)




Oral Presentations(口头报告)


Assco. Prof. Yuanmao Zheng, Xiamen University of Technology(郑渊茂副教授,厦门理工学院)

Xiaobing Li (Engineer), Beijing Institute of Space Mechanics & Electricity(李小兵工程师,北京空间机电研究所)

Chang Han (Engineer), Shanghai Aerospace Control Technology Research Institute(韩畅助理工程师,上海航天控制技术研究所)

Xuelu Xiao (Senior Engineer), No.722 Research Institution, China State Shipbuilding Corporation Limited(肖雪露高级工程师,中国船舶集团有限公司第七二二研究所)

Nina Xiong, Beijing Forestry University(熊妮娜,北京林业大学)

Dexu Zou, Shandong University of Science and Technology(邹德旭,山东科技大学)

Zhenhao Liu, Guilin University of Technology(刘镇豪,桂林理工大学)

Ziyi Gong, Guilin University of Technology(宫紫怡,桂林理工大学)


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